The Higher Council For Science And Technology (HCST)
EU-JordanNet Environment Work Shop

As a coordinator of “Enhancement of Jordan-European S&T Partnerships” EU-JordanNet , The  Secretariat of The Higher Council for Science and Technology conducted a three day workshop on,   Environment and Climate change, during the period 25-27/7/2011, at the Founders Auditorium /the   Royal Scientific Society.
EU-JordanNet project aims to develop the capacities of researchers in research institutions to increase        their participation in the programme of FP7. This workshop discussed the following themes:


  •  Day 1: Creating Awareness of the possibilities of R&D Cooperation in FP7.
  • Day 2: Training on Proposal Writing. This day aims at understanding how to turn an idea into a proper proposal, meeting the objectives described in the work programme.
  • Day3: Creating Partnerships. The last day is a brokerage-type of event aiming at establishing concrete contacts between        Jordanians and Europeans.
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