The Higher Council For Science And Technology (HCST)
Knowledge Sharing Workshops 25-26 June/2012

The IJERA is coordinated by Environment Monitoring and Research Central Unit (EMARCU) at the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). IJERA brings together three other partners namely; the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST) from Jordan, Europe for Business (EFB) from the United Kingdom, and Agenzia Nazionale Per Le Nuove Tecnologie,L’energia E Lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA) from Italy. The IJERA is an EU- FP7 funded project aiming mainly at integrating Jordan into the European Research Area.


A two days Knowledge Sharing Workshops were launched in 25th – 26th /June 2012 at the Higher Council for Science and Technology. The workshops were attended by Jordanian’s finest researchers and professors working in the field of Science, Environment & Agriculture, also by private companies working in related fields.


The workshop was attended The IJERA project European partners along with the support of the Jordanian partners which were responsible for delivering the training sessions and providing the attendees with tips and knowledge aiming at maximizing the Jordanians successful participation in FP7 Projects. IJERA project will continue to lead the effort to support applicants for FP7 before and after the official launch of the Environment Program New Calls in July 10th 2012.


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