An Agreement to Eradicate Hunger by the Year 2030
On Monday December 11th, 2017 an agreement between the National Center, for Research and Development (NCRD)/The Higher Council for Science and Development (HCST) and the World Food Program (WFP) Jordan Office has been signed.
This agreement aims to prepare a strategic review study for food security and nutrition in Jordan to achieve goal 2 (Zero hunger) of the sustainable development goals. A national team will be tasked to prepare the study which is expected to be completed in about eight months, by end of July 2018.
The agreement was signed on behalf of the National Center for Research and Development, by H.E. Dr Khalid Elshuraydeh, Secretary General of the Higher Council for Science and Technology and the Acting President of the National Center for Research and development (NCRD), and on behalf of the United Nations World Food Programme by Mr. Abdul Majeed Yahya the Representative and Country Director of Office of Jordan
It should be noted that based on the success of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals), world leaders adopted in 2015 “Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 which, includes 17 sustainable development goals.
These goals are integrated and able to balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. In addition, these goals can be applied by all countries (poor, middle income, and rich) to achieve prosperity and protect the universe.
The achievement of these goals will lead to the eradication of poverty and should go along with strategies that lead to economic growth and address a wide range of social needs including education, health, social protection, employment, environment protection and climate change into Account.