National Fund for Enterprise Support (NAFES) was established in 2001 to assist in the modernization of Jordanian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by providing financial support to management development projects aimed at enhancing efficiency and competitiveness.
The initial capital of NAFES was obtained from a counterpart fund on non-project cash grant donated by the government of Japan. This fund is one of the important outcomes of the Jordan-Japan Industrial Development Programme, the implementation of which was followed up by the General Secretariat of the Higher Council for Science and Technology during the period 1998-2002.
Role of the National Fund for Enterprise Support (NAFES):
Assisting Jordanian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to become more efficient and competitive both locally and internationally, by providing financial support through contributing to the costs of the implementation of administrative and financial development projects and training programs, as well as supervising their implementation according to high quality standards.
Fund Manager: Eng.Moath Alalaween