The Higher Council For Science And Technology (HCST)
El Hassan Bin Talal Award

The El Hassan bin Talal Award for Scientific Excellence was established in 1995 for the encouragement of academic, scientific and technological activities in all institutions involved in education and training.


The Award is granted to national institutions that have contributed – through academic, scientific or technological achievements – to the development of education and training according to the following criteria:


  1.   Academic excellence in science making a significant contribution and, or benefiting economic, social and cultural life.
  2.   Development of successful and significant curricular and extra-curricular programs.


For the purpose of the Award, institutions are classified into three categories:
  • Category (1): Institutions of General Education (excluding vocational).
  • Category (2): Institutions of Higher Education (excluding technical).
  • Category (3): Institutions of Vocational & Technical Education.


The Award is granted to one of the three categories in sequence within a three - year cycle.

The Award Committee, presided over by HRH Princess Sarvath, is composed of six members chosen for their expertise. The Committee appoints this panel of experts to study the applications and examine scientific achievements in accordance with the criteria set by the Committee.


The Award Committee annually allocates JD 10,000, JD 7,000 and JD 5,000 for the first, second and third prizes, respectively.

The winners are granted trophies on which the names of their institutions will be engraved.

All three winners are also granted certificates of acknowledgment.

Pending the approval of the Award Committee, the winning institutions can grant 50% of the financial award to the individual(s) who made the most effective contribution to the achievement for which the Award was granted.


Applications should be made to the Award Bureau at the HCST General Secretariat before the 31st of January, with supporting documents. Winners are announced by the 20th of March and the Award is granted during an official ceremony in April.


Prizes may be withheld if the Committee deems that the work presented is below the standard deemed worthy of the Award.

No duplication of the Award may be made for the same achievement; however, it may be granted to the same institution for separate achievements more than once, providing that the work submitted has not been granted any prior award from another organization.

For more information, please contact Ms Sahar Fakhoury



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