International Cooperation Department
EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Cooperation through ERANET Joint Activities and beyond (ERANETMED)
The Higher Council for Science and Technology joined a consortium of sixteen countries including Jordan, represented by institutions involved in Science, Technology and Innovation from the Mediterranean and European countries to launch an initiative focused on the development and application of innovative solutions for food systems and water resources in the Mediterranean basin with more than two hundred million € budget for the next ten years starting from 2018. The initiative has been named:
“Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area / PRIMA”
In 2012, PRIMA initiative was launched in nine European countries; namely, Italy, Spain, France, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Croatia and Slovenia, and in partnership with seven countries from the Mediterranean basin: Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Morocco and Jordan, in order to establish an effective, long-term partnership in scientific research and innovation in the Mediterranean basin on the basis of participation in financing, decision-and property (Co-funding, co-decision and co-ownership) in the mutual interest sectors. The heads of the initiative are both Italy and Jordan representing their parties. The PRIMA initiative has been accepted by the European Union and is currently working to take the necessary steps for activation and implementation.
HCST, also involved with PRIMA initiative consortium in another program, aims at promoting the concept of partnership in the areas of scientific research, innovation and researchers’ training by supporting regional research projects jointly funded by funding agencies of Mediterranean countries (Arab and European) under the title:
EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Cooperation through ERANET Joint Activities and beyond (ERANETMED)
The experience of ERANETMED has been very successful. ERANETMED launched the first call for joint research proposals in (Water and Energy fields) dated 1st Nov. 2014; the number of proposals submitted was 190, 33 of which involving Jordanian researchers. Five research projects were selected and funded by HCST for the year 2016. Responding to high demand on the first call, the European program management has considered and approved by the majority of the partners to hold a second round of proposals in food, water and energy sectors. The 2nd call was launched in April 2016. HCST had stimulated the Jordanian universities and research centers to participate in the second round funding. Indeed, these Jordanian institutions committed themselves to provide funding for the projects of their researchers up to 500,000 €.
Project title: Innovation for bringing creativity to activate Traditional Sectors in MED area
Acronym: CRE@CTIVE
- AITEX - Research Textile Institute (ES)
ARCA Consortium (IT)
- Municipality of Prato (IT)
- Monastir El Fejja Competitivness Pole (TU)
- Leaders Organization (PA)
- Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence (PA)
- Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (EG)
- Catalan Fashion Cluster (ES)
- Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (ES)
- The Higher Council for Science and Technology/ International Cooperation Department (JO)
- Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce - Alexandria Chamber (EG)
Project description
Textile, Footwear and Leather are Mediterranean traditional sectors, with an annual estimated global turnover of more than €280 billion and 2.7 million employees working mainly in MSMEs which account for 90% of the industry. During the last decades, these sectors have been affected by the economic slowdown and a very strong competition from Asia. These Mediterranean traditional sectors are under threat if they do not quickly renew their business models. Unable to compete in price or volume, the main challenges for them are product and process innovation, the establishment of new business models and the creation of business sustainable alliances to strengthen the value chains. CRE@CTIVE will address these challenges. In particular, the project is aimed at boosting creativity as a key aspect for increasing economic opportunities of the MSMEs by creating links between the traditional sectors and the creative industries (crafts, design, culture, etc). As a result, creative innovation will upgrade the products and will improve their positioning, making them more competitive in the global markets. Objective: To foster value chains and business alliances among MSMEs in Mediterranean textile, footwear and leather sectors in order to encourage the creation of new products and business growth, by building bridges between these sectors and the creative industry.What will be improved? CRE@CTIVE will strengthen transnational innovation networks, clusters and value chains. It will create new jobs, drive efficient resource use and accelerate the process of generating, diffusing and applying innovative ideas, concepts and business models. Tangible solutions for target groups will be provided, in particular for young people and women, but also for the society at large. Concretely, thanks to CRE@CTIVE, 16 new business alliances will be supported directly to establish new market opportunities; and, at least 24 new direct long-term jobs will be created through direct participation in the project pilot start-ups, via sub-grants that will give the opportunity to set up new businesses based on innovative approaches. Who will benefit?MSMEs of the Mediterranean textile, footwear and leather sectors
- 100 Culturally and Creatively engaged Individuals (artists, designers, artisans, etc.)
- Creative Hubs
- 50 Local Public Authorities
- 20 Local Communities which will be engaged in the innovation processes
- Final consumers who will benefit from product innovation
Expected achievements
- 48 enterprises participating in cross-border business events
- 6 business labs models that will favor new and innovative business ideas, models and services
- 16 new business solutions will be created
- 1 governance model developed to strengthen the traditional sectors and provide innovative business support to enterprise and start-up to better compete on the markets
- 6 cooperation exchange seminars for civil servants, public authorities and economic stakeholders
- 6 regional observatories constituted as an open, cooperative and dialogue initiative to improve and establish policies and programs for financing innovation
Contribution to policy-making
The project will widely involve the public authorities and decision makers in the activities to ensure a deep impact on policies. Besides, the participation of several relevant public authorities in the Partnership will ensure that the results and actions of CRE@CTIVE are compatible with the latest and upcoming policy development. After the project life, public authorities will be able to consider the links created by the project between the traditional sectors and the creative industries as a must-have criterion for their regional or national financial support schemes. CRE@CTIVE is a unique chance to put creativity at the heart of policymaking in the three traditional sectors.Budget : 3.2 M€ (funded by the EU under the ENI CBC Med Programme at 90% - 2.9M€); Duration: 30 months
Project title: Urban Sustainable Development Solutions Valuing Entrepreneurship project
Acronym: U-SOLVE
Countries:Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt
Project description
U-SOLVE shifts the start-up creation process towards an entrepreneurial sustainable development strategy, which bridges active policy for supporting entrepreneurship with the implementation of sustainable development goals at a urban level. The most urgent SDGs challenges in Mediterranean urban communities are forced into an open innovation pipeline that allows coalitions of entrepreneurial agents of change to emerge, creating qualified jobs and economic value, while supporting the transition towards a sustainable model.
The project will result into an appropriate balance between the exploitation of innovative technologies and business models implemented by startups and young companies, socio-economic progress and environmental preservation,
accordingly with the principles of the doughnut economy , It wants to add experimental pathways for place-based strategies of interventions on entrepreneurship, suitable for the Mediterranean countries, where the entrepreneurial energy is natively oriented towards the sustainable and integrated territorial development.
Expected results will be highly innovative:
(i) start-ups and young enterprises addressing sustainable development challenges managed by / employing youths (higly educated, between 24 and 35 years old) and/or women (all ages),
(ii) a toolbox for the implementation of an effective, SDGs driven open innovation process,
(iii) multilevel policy recommendations for urban sustainable development strategies based on impact-oriented entrepreneurship,
(iv) a Mediterranean network of stakeholders of impact-oriented entrepreneurship..
Main outputs will be:
• increased entrepreneurial culture among youths and women;
• innovative businesses supporting SDGs in target urban areas;
• tested tools and methodologies for sustainable urban economic development based on entrepreneurship and
community participation;
• local impact-innovation hubs either created or empowered in cities belonging to the Mediterranean area.
Budget : 3.5 M€ (funded by the EU under the ENI CBC Med Programme at 90% - 3.2M€, 10% co-financing);
Duration: 30 months
Director of the International Cooperation Department