The Higher Council For Science And Technology (HCST)
An invitation from the Higher Council for Science and Technology to all institutions involved in vocational and technical education to participate in "El Hassan Bin Talal Award for Scientific Excellence 2016″

Award “Hassan Bin Talal for Scientific Excellence” for 2016
An invitation from the Higher Council for Science and Technology to all institutions involved in vocational and technical education The Higher Council for Science and Technology announced that “El Hassan bin Talal for Scientific Excellence” Award for 2016, specified for National Institutions for the vocational and technical education, that these institutions have contributed through the academic, scientific and technological achievements in the development of education and training by adopting the following criteria:

  1. contribute to and through the Academy in distinct aspects of economic, social and cultural life specifications.
  2.  Develop a methodology or extracurricular successful and important programs in the education system.


Higher Council for Science and Technology is pleased to invite relevant institutions to apply for participation award the prize to the Office of the Supreme Council, annexes their applications copies of their institutions and the production of documents related to the subject, no later than 31 January 2016 in accordance with the following conditions:

  1. The institution should be developed for the award this year from higher education institutions.
  2. The topic should be interest-bearing shares walks of life in economic, social and cultural rights in the Kingdom.
  3. It has led to the development of important and successful programs.
  4. That achievement should not have won any of the other competitions.
  5. Provide documents in Arabic and English-language summary.
  6. Provide documents by five copies.


The Award Committee, presided over by HRH Princess Sarvath, is composed of six members chosen for their expertise.


The Award Committee annually allocates JD 7,000, JD 5,000 and JD 3,000 for the first, second and third prizes, respectively.


he winners are granted trophies on which the names of their institutions will be engraved.


All three winners are also granted certificates of acknowledgment.


Pending the approval of the Award Committee, the winning institutions can grant 50% of the financial award to the individual(s) who made the most effective contribution to the achievement for which the Award was granted.


Applications should be made to the Award Bureau at the HCST General Secretariat before the 31st of January, with supporting documents.Winners are announced in March and the award is granted during an official ceremony in April 2016.


For more information, please contact Ms Sahar Fakhoury


Phone: 065340401 ext. 221

You can be obtained on the prize and its own model instructions visit the website of the Supreme Council at the following address:

Or at the following address:

http: // www.

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